Friday, March 4, 2011

Strength from the inside out

Strength from the inside out
January 9, 2011 (District of Novaliches YFL Core 1st Household for 2011)
@ Tito Jun and Tita Lina Eguico's Residence

-Many has changed with us and in us since 2010 ended and 2011 started.
Changes could either be physical or deeper, spiritual.

! Remember: The Lord looks more at the heart not the physical. He Loves those who are beautiful-beautiful in the inside.
(follow-up question: Is the Lord impressed with us?)

Discussion Question: ? What is the state of your heart spiritually? Are you strong, kinda strong or weak?

Points and Inspiring Messages shared during the household (in General plus I inserted some personal reflections. haha):

-Prepare for God always (via Household/Prayer Kit)
-Make People feel that you care

!-Prayer: Opening yourself for God's grace

(analogy given by Kuya Ej: When we are dirty we need to take a shower. We need it  to be clean and refreshed. The shower is always there to cleanse us from our dirtiness but if we don't the first step of opening it we will be cleanse by the water it pours. The same goes for God's grace, it is always there. However, like the water from the shower, the grace of God would not be opened to us if we don't make the first step, prayer)

!-Be consistent in seeking God's word
You are wise in faith if...(via Dr's sharing)
1. IF you SEE GOD in your life
2. IF you SEEK GOD in your life
3. IF you KEEP GOD in your life

!-Change (via DR)
making resolutions doesn't necessarily matter because it is bound to be broken. But if we have God in our life we will change by his grace.
Let God have his way in us.

!-Existence (via Ate Sweet)
GOD is the essence of Life. He is the reason for and of our existence


*Months ago it was stressed to us that we should be a person of "BEING MORE THAN DOING" but it doesn't follow that we must dwell more on being and put aside the doing.

Everything in and out must be equal.
We MUST strengthen our BEING and at the same time strengthen our DOING.

Being = Following Christ = Prayer life.
more than doing = Fisher of men = Mission/ Service.

Being and Doing = Strengthened through GOD
@ 2011

30th year of CFC
Jesus started his ministry when he was 30
this year is the YEAR of the Youth

with all of this taking place, God speaks through us on how we must live 2011 through Kuya Joseph Tesoro

-Be Extreme Anywhere and Anytime, Always. Be Extreme for Him and do not mind how others will see you.
-Be MORE RADICAL in prayer, service, as a witness (e.g. school), youth camp (do not stick with "pwede na"), WYC (prepare, magipon), relationships (Let others see you not only as a good worship leader and speaker. Let them see the GOOD that is You.

-Give time to everyone
-Give time to people whom God entrusted you to

-Face it all for the LORD esp. in our SERVICE FOR GOD.

Credits To

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